Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Deep Fried Turkey

When I stopped eating meat (due to health issues; not being able to digest it--"sensitive stomach"--and really because how unhealthy meat is by the time you consume it), I lost interest in any meat related recipes or anything that had to do with it, because if I couldn't eat it, I didn't care.
Thanksgiving is that special time of the year, that not only am I forced to watch all these (awesome) turkey recipes on TV (Food Network), but I also have to watch my family devour it, along with "Pernil" (roasted pork leg), roasted chicken and other amazing dishes. Which honestly no longer bothers me.
Deep Fried Turkey I believe is a Southern thing, I guess because the weather on the North-East isn't exactly ideal to be in a backyard freezing your behind to fry a turkey. The first time I heard about Deep Fried Turkey was from my friend Summer, who is from Texas. The way she described how juicy the turkey is and the appealing golden brown color it gets, REALLY sparked my interest. Not enough to eat it, but enough to want to share a video on how to make it. I found this video on Vimeo, and not only does it show you how to fry your turkey, but it's also kind of funny. Enjoy:

Turkey Fry/ Sketch Party from Sam Lembeck on Vimeo.

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